Our General & Laparoscopic Surgery Department offers a comprehensive and high quality range of surgical procedures to the community. A wide range of surgical procedures are undertaken as day and inpatient cases in addition to minor operations. The general surgery department is well equipped and manned by experienced Surgeons.
The services rendered include 24 hours cover for the Accident and Emergency Department with facilities to perform major surgical procedures round the clock, including management of patients with peritonitis and polytrauma and laparoscopic procedures.
The department is also geared to perform a whole range of major elective general surgical procedures including gastrointestinal surgery, head and neck surgery, surgery of the limbs (eg. varicose veins), breast surgery to name a few.All operations are performed in two fully equipped modern operating theatres.
Out-patient services are available daily and many minor procedures can be performed in the OPD or day care ward to shorten the patient’s stay in the hospital. Among such procedures are banding and injection of haemorrhoids (piles) and excision of small swellings