Ob/Gyn Department at City Medical Complex takes great pride in providing top quality care of its patients. This department offers a broad range of inpatient and outpatient services for women. The department offers outpatient services in Consulting Clinics, inpatient services, and maternity service with a well equipped Labor Room and OR; modern ultra sonology department and infertility clinic.
Approximately 1200 women choose to have their babies with us per year. We provide a comprehensive obstetrical service, from low-risk moms-to-be to high-risk women who require the support of an intensive care unit.
We provide a comprehensive range of services for the evaluation, diagnosis, & treatment of both female & male infertility. We understand fully the needs of individual couples facing fertility treatment and seek to respond in a professional and supportive manner. Consultations are carried out in the obstetrics & gynecology outpatient clinic.
Equipments and Services Offered:
Facilities for total evaluation of Male & Female Infertility
Hysterosonogram / HSG / Hormone Studies / Serial Ultra Sound – Colour Doppler / Ovulation Induction / IUI / CLI Support therapy
Diagnostic Laproscopy and procedure
Cesarean Section
Some of our mothers will deliver by Cesarean section. At CMC, we are proud to boast that we have one of the lowest Cesarean section rates in Afghanistan. There are two operating rooms contained in Labor & Delivery and staffed round the clock for any emergencies. A team of medical professionals can be mobilized in minutes to perform an emergency Cesarean section if necessary.
As your baby is delivered, your doctor or midwife will place your baby directly on your chest. This is called skin-to-skin contact and is so important to help your baby adapt to life outside the womb. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate your baby’s temperature, glucose level and promotes bonding and breastfeeding.
Limited Visiting
In Labor and Delivery, friends and family may wait for the arrival of your baby in the maternity waiting room.